See everything outside
our dimension that's eternity.
Eternity looking down on us.
Now to us its a sphere,
but to them its a circle.

The Lord regretted that he had made human
beings on the earth,
and his heart was deeply troubled.
So the Lord said, "I will wipe from the face
of the earth the human race
I have created
— and with them
the animals, the birds and the creatures
that move along the ground —
for I regret that I have made them.

You can't remember your lives,
you can't change your lives,
and that is the terrible
and the secret fate of all life.
You're trapped... like a nightmare
you keep waking up into.

Someone once told me,
"Time is a flat circle".
Everything we've ever done,
or will do, we're gonna do
over and over and over again.